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Giving Back to the Senior Citizens of Hong Kong
Last week, Ambition had a wonderful and meaningful afternoon where we spent time with 40 elderlies in Siu Sai Wan, Hong Kong. With 8 talented employees from Ambition & HaTCH Powered by Ambition, we provided music entertainment in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, interactive games, and prizes – in time for the Tuen Ng / Dragon Boat festival celebration and holiday.
Thank you to the ‘Helping Hand’ charity officers at the elderly home and to our teammates from different divisions including, Daisy Lam, Rhoda Rivera, Tracy Tam, Darren Chan, Twinkle Yip, Angie Wong, Zo Loren Paglinawan, Anki Lau, and Jasmine Welsh. Not only did they take time out from their busy schedules for the day, but also prepared activities in the weeks beforehand planning and practising for the day. Finally, thank you to all our colleagues in our Hong Kong office who offered their time and donated generously.
If you would like to join us for any of our CSR programs or would like to collaborate with Ambition, please get in touch with me at,
To learn more about our other CSR work, please read our recent article from our Managing Director, Chris Aukland: