Please beware of recruitment scams that are currently targeting jobseekers. Click here for further advice.
We've helped over 2,500 people secure new career roles this year...
It's a hugely satisfying part of our work - sure, we're a commercial business - but especially at this time of year, it's nice to reflect on the altruistic aspect of what we do.
Ambition, along with our sister companies AccountAbility and Watermark Search, have assisted a lot of people to get ahead during 2015. And we're planning on that number being considerably larger in 2016.
We have placed some candidates 5 times (although not in one year!).
Many of our candidates are really unsure of what their next step should be. Our consultants provide guidance and support through their move.
Quite a number of successful placements have been completed 'cross-border'.
A few of our candidates have subsequently joined the Ambition team as consultants or in corporate services roles.
Thanks to all of you and, of course, to our client organisations who make all this possible.
Have a great Christmas (if that's your thing) and every one of our 275 person team looks forward to working with you in 2016.
Ambition is a leading global boutique recruitment business with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and London.
We specialise in interim and permanent placements in a range of white-collar disciplines.